The Center for Brain/Mind Medicine > Resources
Socializing & Connecting
Adult Day Health Programs
Adult Day Health Programs provide coordinated social and health services for adults in community-based group settings. Services include social activities, transportation, meals and snacks, personal care, and therapeutic activities. They are usually staffed with an RN and other health professionals. They generally operate during normal business hours Monday through Friday, with some offering evening and weekend services. Please note: There are Social Day Programs where the focus is on recreational activities. These program’s abilities to support those with neurodenerative disorders maybe limited depending on the level of care provided. To explore programs near you, start here:
Your local Elder Services organization
Website: https://www.mass.gov/location-details/aging-services-access-points-asaps-in-massachusetts
National Eldercare Locator
Phone: (800) 677-1116
Website: https://eldercare.acl.gov/public/resources/factsheets/adult_day_care.aspx
National Adult Day Services Association
Phone: (877) 745-1440
Website: www.nadsa.org/locator/
Community Programs
Alzheimer’s Buddies
Pairs college students with individuals living with dementia for weekly visits to improve care and quality of life.
Website: https://www.alzbuddies.org/
Harvard College: alzheimersbuddies@pbha.edu
Boston College: bostoncollege@alzbuddies.edu
Wellesley College: wellesley@alzbuddies.edu
Comfort for Critters
Volunteers create handmade blankets to comfort homeless pets living in animal shelters (knitted, crocheted, sewn, quilted, or made with fleece).
Website: https://comfortforcritters.org/
Trained volunteers provide support and companionship to seniors and disabled adults living in the Boston area. Programs include Friendly Visiting, PetPals, the “Strong for Life” in-home exercise program, health communication workshops, medical escorts and other short-term or one-time assistance such as de-cluttering, simple home repairs, and transportation.
Phone: (617) 482-1510
Website: www.fw4elders.org
Memory Cafés
Comfortable, social gatherings for people with memory loss or other brain disorders and their caregivers to connect, socialize, and build new support networks. Free of charge. Some locations focus on education, while others focus on activities.
In-Person Café Directory: https://www.jfcsboston.org/Our-Services/Older-Adults/Alzheimers-Related-Disorders-Family-Support/Directory-of-Memory-Caf%C3%A9s-in-Greater-Boston
Virtual Memory Café Directory: https://www.memorycafedirectory.com/cafe-connect/
Museum of Fine Arts
Monthly, virtual, interactive tours of objects in the MFA’s collection for people with memory loss or dementia who live at home and their care partners.
Website: https://www.mfa.org/visit/accessibility/programs
Music & Memory
Evidence-based programming to engage those with cognitive and/or physical conditions using personalized playlist(s).
Website: https://musicandmemory.org/
The Nature Connection
Programs that use nature to improve the well-being of individuals and communities and encourage true engagement in the present and lively interaction with peers.
Phone: (978) 369-2585
Website: https://www.nature-connection.org/programs-for-elders/
Senior Centers
Social, educational, and resource hubs for older adults in local municipalities or towns. Services include activities, classes, counseling and support groups, volunteer opportunities, meal programs, and other social services. Most often found in the same location as your local Council on Aging.
Website: www.mass.gov/councils-on-aging-senior-centers
Program working toward preserving and sharing humanity’s stories to build connections between people and create a more compassionate world.
Website: https://storycorps.org/
Bringing meaning and purpose into the lives of elders through creative engagement.
Website: https://www.timeslips.org/