The Center for Brain/Mind Medicine > Resources
Legal & Financial Planning
Legal and financial matters are something all of us should consider at any age. Planning for the future becomes more important as we age—even more so when we are diagnosed with a progressive cognitive disorder. While we may know this kind of planning is necessary, it can feel overwhelming at times. Starting early allows the person with dementia to participate in the planning process and share their wishes regarding estate planning, advance directives, employment transitions, and health insurance. The following resources may be helpful starting points.
General Information & Referral
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP): Organization devoted to empowering Americans aged 50 and older with health and financial tools, volunteering opportunities, and travel and restaurant discounts.
Phone: (888) 687-2277
Website: www.aarp.org
Boston ElderINFO: Advocacy, information, referral, and caregiver resources for Boston elders.
Phone: (617) 292-6211
Website: www.elderinfo.org
National Eldercare Locator: A public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging, connecting older adults and their families to services and local resources.
Phone: (800) 677-1116
Website: www.eldercare.acl.gov
Legal Resources
Living Wills & Health Care Proxy forms complimentary through Mass General Brigham
Website: https://www.brighamandwomens.org/patients-and-families/patients/health-care-proxies-and-living-wills
Massachusetts Attorney General – Elder Hotline: Volunteers can help find answers, resolve disputes with businesses, and assist with theft/scams, debt collection, abuse/exploitation, health insurance, and housing issues.
Phone: (888) 243-5337
Website: www.mass.gov/service-details/the-attorney-generals-elder-hotline
Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation: Legal information and resources for low-income Massachusetts residents.
Phone: (617) 367-8544
Website: www.mlac.org
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA): Directory of elder-law attorneys who are members of NAELA experienced and trained in the legal problems of older adults and individuals of all ages with disabilities.
Phone: (703) 942-5711
Website: www.naela.org
Senior Resource Center, Inc: Offers comprehensive solutions for care coordination, financial protection, Medicaid/MassHealth Planning and legal service coordination.
Phone: (888) 869-6295
Website: https://helpingelders.com/
Super Lawyers: An online rating service of outstanding lawyers who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.
Website: www.superlawyers.com/
Financial Planning Resources
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants: Volunteer-based agency devoted to helping Americans understand personal finances and develop money-management skills, including retirement and planning for long-term care.
Phone: (888) 777-7077
Website: www.360financialliteracy.org
Financial Planning Association of Massachusetts: Member-based agency that helps people establish personal and financial goals and create ways to reach them.
Phone: (781) 207-0248
Website: www.fpanewengland.org
New England Pension Action Center: Pension lawyers and counselors answer questions related to pensions or private retirement plans free of charge. Recipients must reside in New England, and pension and/or retirement plans must be from New England employers. (Program is affiliated with McCormack Graduate School of Policy & Global Studies at UMass Boston.)
Phone: (888) 425-6067
Website: www.umb.edu/pensionaction
Social Security Administration & Applying for SSDI: The US Social Security Administration administers a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivor benefits.
To apply for disability: https://www.ssa.gov/applyfordisability/
Phone: (800) 772-1213
Website: www.ssa.gov