The Center for Brain/Mind Medicine > Resources
Home Modification & Repair Programs
Ensuring Stability through Action in our Community (ESAC): Home repair and home rehabilitation projects for persons age 62+ or with disability. Homeowners must be low- or moderate income and live in: Allston, Brighton, Hyde Park, Jamaica Plain, Mattapan, Roslindale, or West Roxbury.
Phone: (617) 524-2555
Website: www.esacboston.org/home-repair
GetATstuff (Assistive Technology Exchange of New England): Free assistive device exchange program to connect people in need of used assistive technology with sellers or donators.
Phone: (877) 508-3974
Website: www.getatstuff.massmatch.org
HouseWorks: Home-modification team supplies and installs the best available adaptive equipment, including grab bars, handheld showers, transfer aids, and interior/exterior railings; also offers de-cluttering and heavy cleaning.
Phone: (617) 928-1010
Website: www.house-works.com
Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program: Operated by Easter Seals Massachusetts to give people with disabilities and elders access to low-interest cash loans so they can purchase assistive devices and services.
Phone: (800) 244-2756
Website: www.easterseals.com/ma/our-programs/assistive-technology/loan-programs.html
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission – Home Modification Loan Program (HMLP): Provides no-interest loans to qualifying households so they can modify homes of adults and children with disabilities. Eligibility is based on total gross household income, property must be the applicant’s primary residence, and modifications must improve safety in the home as relates to their specific disability.
Phone: (617) 204-3739
Website: www.mass.gov/home-modification-loan-program-hmlp
Senior Home Repair Loan Program: The Boston Home Center works with several neighborhood agencies to assist with minor to larger home repairs. This program offers zero-percent (0%), interest-deferred loans for older homeowners. To be eligible, applicants must be at least 62 years old, own and live in a one- to four-family home in the city of Boston, owe no outstanding tax payments, be current on their household water bill, and have a household income 80% or lower than area median income.
Phone: (617) 635-4663
Website: www.boston.gov/departments/neighborhood-development/how-apply-senior-home-repair