The Center for Brain/Mind Medicine > Resources
Culturally Centered Resources
2Life Communities: Affordable, non-sectarian housing for independent elders in the Greater Boston area with programs and services designed to enhance and facilitate healthy aging.
Phone: (617) 912-8400
Website: https://2lifecommunities.org/about
Asian American Civic Association (AACA): Housing counseling, Social Security assistance and help for older adults who want to fill out forms and read letters.
Phone: (617) 426-9492
Website: https://aaca-boston.org/
Alzheimer’s Association LGBTQ+ Community Resources: The LGBTQ+ community may face particular challenges related to Alzheimer’s and dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association has available resources on their website.
Website: https://www.alz.org/diversity-equity-and-inclusion/lgbtq-resources
Catholic Charities, Archdioceses of Boston: Social-service programs for elders throughout Eastern Massachusetts: home-visiting programs, adult day health, visiting nurse services, foster grandparents program, support programs for grandparents raising their grandchildren; food, fuel, utility, and rental assistance.
Phone: (617) 464-8500
Website: www.ccab.org
Greater Boston Chinese Golden Age Center: Services for Chinese-speaking Asian elders: nutrition, adult day health, elder-at-risk, personal emergency response button, transportation and congregate housing.
Phone: (617) 357-0226
Website: www.gbcgac.org
Haitian-American Public Health Initiative (HAPHI): Services for members of the Haitian community and Haitian elders with limited English proficiency: information on health, skill-building, eligibility for Medicare and MassHealth, community outreach, advocacy, referral, education, and support services for elders.
Phone: (617) 298-8076
Website: https://haphi.org/
Inquilinos Boricus en Acción (IBA): Services for low-income Latino elders: home visits, advocacy, outreach, translation, and interpretation.
Phone: (617) 927-1707
Website: https://ibaboston.org
Islamic Multi-Service Organization: Services for Islamic families of all ages – Elder Dignity Program links elders to critical support services.
Phone: (617) 442-2805
Website: https://imsoboston.org/index.html
Jewish Family & Children’s Service: Services for elders of all faith traditions: information, referrals, and services for home care, health care, geriatric care management, long-term care, and guardianship issues.
Phone: (781) 647-5327
Website: www.jfcsboston.org
La Alianza Hispana, Inc: Services for the Latino community of greater Boston. Computer courses, a theater group, a handcrafts workshop, and other recreational activities, as well as health orientations, translation and interpretive services, transportation arrangements, and hot lunches.
Phone: (617) 427-7175
Website: www.laalianza.org
LGBTQIA+ Aging Project: Services for those identifying as LGBTQIA+ populations and their communities, including training and education, programming and support groups, and information and referral services.
Phone: (857) 313-6590
Website: https://fenwayhealth.org/the-fenway-institute/lgbtqia-aging-project/
Massachusetts Alliance of Portuguese Speakers (MAPS): Services for Brazilian, Cape Verdean, Portuguese, and other Portuguese-speaking communities: nutritious lunches, social and educational activities, health screenings, and other activities at the Cambridge Senior Center.
Phone: (617) 864-7600
Website: www.maps-inc.org
National Resource Center on LGBTQ+ Aging: Provides training, technical assistance, and education resources to aging providers, LGBTQ+ organizations, and LGBTQ+ older adults; their website offers robust educational and community resource linkage.
Phone: (212) 741-2247
Website: https://www.lgbtagingcenter.org/
SAGE’s National LGBT Elder Hotline: 24/7 Hotline in English and Spanish for older LGBTQ+ people or caregivers who need comfort and/or support services; hotline responders are certified in crisis response, offering support, information, and referral services.
Phone: (877) 360-5428
Website: www.sageusa.org
Vietnamese American Civic Association, Inc. (VACA): Weekly social and educational services for Vietnamese elders at the Mystic Valley Elder Services Center.
Phone: (617) 288-7344
Website: https://vacainboston.org/