The Center for Brain/Mind Medicine > Resources
Community-Based Services
Adult Family Care/Adult Foster Care
- Mass Health program for frail seniors and adults with disabilities.
- AFC adults live with trained paid caregivers.
- Caregivers may be family members (except legally responsible relatives) or non-family members.
- Caregivers receive payment up to a specific amount (varies per year).
To apply, contact your local Aging Services Access Point (ASAP): (800) 243-4636.
Group Adult Foster Care (GAFC)
- Mass Health program that pays for personal care services for eligible seniors and adults with disabilities who live in GAFC-approved housing.
- Housing may be an assisted-living residence or specially designated public or subsidized housing.
- Residents must be eligible for MassHealth and need help with at least one daily personal care task.
- GAFC only pays for the cost of personal care services and medication management.
To apply, contact your local Aging Services Access Point (ASAP): (800) 243-4636.
Home and Community Based Services Waiver
- The HCBS Waiver is for low-income Massachusetts residents who qualify for nursing facility or other institutional care but want to live at home.
- The Waiver allows MassHealth members to get needed health care and support services at home.
To learn more about the Frail Elder Waiver (FEW):
- Call your local Aging Services Access Point (ASAP): (800) 243-4636
- Website: https://www.mass.gov/frail-elder-waiver-few#:~:text=Home%2D%20and%20Community%2DBased%20Services,residents%20aged%2060%20and%20older.
Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
- A program for those age 55 and older who have with chronic health conditions and meet the criteria for skilled-nursing facility level of care.
- Ideally, applicants will be dually eligible (having both Medicare and MassHealth); a private-pay option is available.
- Benefits/services include a full interdisciplinary medical team (primary care, nursing, social work/psychiatry, rehab therapies, adult day health care, home care, and pharmacy).
- Participants must transition their primary care to this program.
To learn more and find out if there is a PACE program covering your area, go here: https://www.npaonline.org.
Personal Care Attendant (PCA) Program
- PCA helps people with long-term disabilities live independently at home.
- It gives each eligible MassHealth member funds to hire a personal care attendant to help with activities of daily living (ADLs).
- The MassHealth member becomes the “employer,” overseeing hiring, firing, training, and supervising the PCA.
To learn more or apply to the Personal Care Attendant Program:
- Call your local Aging Services Access Point (ASAP): (800) 243-4636
- Website: https://www.mass.gov/masshealth-personal-care-attendant-pca-program