The Center for Brain/Mind Medicine
Training & Education
The CBMM offers training and education programs in behavioral neurology, neuropsychiatry, and neuropsychology for students and professionals.
Neuropsychology Internship
The Neuropsychology Track of the BWH Psychology Internship provides interns with broad based training in clinical neuropsychology within the Department of Neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. The training program is centered upon the provision of training within a scientist-practitioner model, with a focus on providing clinical care and engaging in scientific endeavors and research activities. A primary goal of the Neuropsychology Track is to provide a solid foundation of knowledge and skills to prepare interns for advanced training in neuropsychology.
The Clinical Psychology Internship Training Program at Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School provides a 12-month, full-time psychology internship for doctoral students in clinical psychology. The training program consists of two tracks including: General Adult and Neuropsychology. Psychology interns in the Neuropsychology Track will spend 50% of their time training within the Department of Neurology and 50% of their time training within the Department of Psychiatry. Interns in the General Adult Track will have both core and elective rotations within the Department of Psychiatry. More information about the General Adult Track can be found here:
Interns in the Neuropsychology Track will receive training in three primary areas:
- Neuropsychological Assessment
Neuropsychology training takes place within the Center for Brain Mind Medicine (CBMM) in the Department of Neurology at Brigham & Women’s Hospital. The CBMM is a uniquely collaborative, interdisciplinary group comprised of Neuropsychologists, Behavioral Neurologists, Neuropsychiatrists, and Social Workers, and provides state of the art diagnostic and treatment services to patients with a range of neurological and neuropsychiatric syndromes at the interface of brain and behavior. Interns will develop competency in the assessment of patients presenting with a range of neurological and neuropsychiatric syndromes, including mild cognitive impairment, neurodegenerative conditions, epilepsy, stroke, brain tumors, cancer, multiple sclerosis, traumatic brain injury, neurobehavioral, primary psychiatric syndromes, and neurodevelopmental syndromes. Interns participate in all aspects of the evaluation process, present cases in clinical teaching rounds, attend didactic trainings/seminars, and lead/co-lead cognitive rehabilitation groups.
- Psychological Assessment
The psychological assessment training takes place at the Brigham and Women’s Faulkner Hospital Department of Psychiatry Psychology Assessment and Research Service (PARSe). The PARSe receives referrals from across the ambulatory Brigham Psychiatric Specialties (BPS) providers and is focused on providing comprehensive assessments to assist with diagnostic clarity and resolution of differential diagnostic questions for providers as a consultation to the attending clinician or other allied health professional. Interns provide psychological assessments for both inpatients and outpatients during each of the rotations listed below. Assessment training includes a weekly group supervision and seminar as well as supervised assessment cases. Assessment procedures include clinical interviewing, objective personality testing, projective personality testing, cognitive testing, symptom reporting measures, identity/acculturation measures and other tools relevant to psychological assessment.
- Individual and Group Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy training will be within the Brigham Psychiatric Specialties (BPS) ambulatory psychiatry core clinical activity (CCA) to include individual and group psychotherapy opportunities using modalities including Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Exposure and Response Prevention, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and mindfulness-based treatments.
As a teaching hospital of Harvard Medical School, BWH has a commitment to training and education. Interns will be supervised on site for a minimum of 4 hours per week, will be assigned a separate mentor to assist in professional development, and will have opportunities to develop their own supervision and teaching skills by supervising doctoral students in clinical psychology. Interns in the Neuropsychology Track will have the opportunity to engage in both peer and tiered supervision with neuropsychology practicum students and postdoctoral fellows.
All clinical psychology interns participate in a series of core didactics through the Department of Psychiatry. These include a monthly ethics seminar and a weekly 2-hour seminar covering topics related general practice, diversity and inclusion, psychotherapy skills, assessment skills, supervision, and recovery practice. Additionally, interns in the Neuropsychology Track have the following additional opportunities for didactic learning:
- CBMM Clinical Teaching Rounds: Weekly 2-hour meeting with colleagues in Neuropsychology, Behavioral Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry and Social Work. This is a unique opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and trainees across these varied disciplines to provide comprehensive clinical care. Interns will be expected to present cases at some point during the training year.
- Neuropsychology Seminar: A 10-month, weekly seminar focusing on professional issues related to neuropsychology practice, neuroanatomy and neuroimaging, development and neurodevelopmental syndromes, clinical neurology, acquired CNS syndromes, and dementia. This seminar is hosted through the Psychology Assessment Center at MGH.
- Introductory topics in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry (July & August): A weekly one-hour seminar series for incoming behavioral neurology and neuropsychology fellows. All neuropsychology trainees are invited and are encouraged to attend. Topics include content related to the neurological exam, neuroimaging, psychopharmacology, classification of neurocognitive syndromes, and neuropsychological testing.
- CBMM Seminar Series: A monthly seminar series on brain/behavior related topics. Speakers are recruited from various disciplines to provide diverse perspectives on brain functioning.
- Journal Club: A 10-month, weekly conference with colleagues in related disciplines to discuss current research relevant to the field.
- Additional Didactic Experiences Available: Neurology Grand Rounds, Epilepsy Case Conference/Neurosurgical Rounds, Brain Circuit Therapeutics Training Program, and Neuroradiology Rounds
All psychology interns will be provided with 4 hours per week for research activities in conjunction with research programs at BWH/BWFH. Interns are provided with access to join active research programs within and in collaboration with the Departments of Psychiatry and/or Neurology. Alternatively, interns may choose to develop a small program evaluation or research project. Interns are expected to develop a research product at the end of the training year that may include, but is not limited to, a research manuscript, grant proposal, paper or poster presentation. Financial support is available for interns to pursue presentation of research activities and products at local and national conferences.
Mary-Ellen Meadows PhD ABBP – Chief, Clinical Director
Pamela Friedman PsyD ABPP – Director, Neuropsychology Internship and Practicum Training
Deborah Green PhD ABPP -Director, Neuropsychology Fellowship Training
Kim Willment PhD ABPP – Co-Director, RENEW Program
Abby Altman PhD – Co-Director, RENEW Program
Rebecca Amariglio PhD
Lauren Bolden PhD
Katelyn Bourgea PhD
Margaret O’Connor PhD ABPP
Kathryn Papp PhD
Deepti Putcha PhD ABPP
Dorene Rentz PhD
Gretchen Reynolds PhD
Emma Weizenbaum, PhD
Joseph Kim, PhD
Catherine Munro, PhD
Intern compensation includes an annual salary of $44,000, vacation time, sick days, paid holidays, and educational leave. Psychology interns on internship are eligible for benefits including health insurance arranged through the hospital.
Applicants should complete a minimum of 300 AAPI hours and have a minimum of 3 graduate training years prior to beginning internship. Applicants from APA or CPA-accredited institutions (Ph.D. or Psy.D.) are encouraged to apply. APPIC applications are due by November 14, 2023 at 11:59 EST
The internship is not currently APA accredited. An accreditation site visit is scheduled for March 4-5, 2024. Please be advised that we cannot guarantee that we will ultimately achieve accreditation.
Additional program details are available:
Christopher AhnAllen, Ph.D.
Director of Psychology Training
(617) 983-7924
Pamela Friedman, Psy.D., ABBP
Director of Neuropsychology Internship and Practicum Training
Associate Director of Clinical Psychology Internship Training
(617) 983-7435